
Beyond speaker presentations, SkyDogCon also has events & activities throughout the conference to keep you engaged & entertained.  Some of these events may not be directly associated with the conference but you may be interested in participating.  Below are some of the events we know about (others may be invite-only or so secret even we don't know about them!).


WHEN: Opens Friday at 11 am
WHERE: Vendors & Contests Area
ORGANIZER: @jamesbower

DETAILS: VM based CTF that you run on your own machine.

Here are walkthroughs from previous year's CTF events:


WHEN:  Friday-Sunday
WHERE:  Vendors & Contests Area

Always a's the place to test your skills, acquire new ones, and get gear you need.

Vendors will be setup with their wares to purchase, so be sure to bring cash/plastic!

Ace Hackware has all the hacker things you need to escape handcuffs (we're not going to elaborate), pwn the WIFI things, keyloggers, and more!

Bloomington Fools will have the Lockpick Village setup for you to test your skills, learn some new ones, & buy all the picky picks & locky thingies you could ever need!

Lockpick "Rumble Challenge"

Pick the lock before the "rumbler" shakes and rattles your pins loose...else take a drink and start all over again!


WHERE:  Vendors & Contests Area

DETAILS: Drop-in, choose a game, play with friends new & old...have a good time!  Lots of games to choose from including: 4-on-4 Unreal Tournament 99 Capture the Flag, Nintendo emulator, Need for Speed (w/ racing wheels), and more!


WHEN:  Friday-Sunday
WHERE:  Vendors & Contests Area

DETAILS: Sponsors will be hanging out & available for you to thank for being awesome enough to support SkyDogCon!  This is an important part of the CON because without them we couldn't afford to do many of the fun activities we have!  Even if you're not a customer, stop in and say thanks get some info on what they do (you never know, you may need something they can help with).


In 2015, we came back from DEFCON overwhelmed by the crowds and frustrated by the lack of genuine hacker community.  To try and cultivate that missing community, we decided not to have the "Pirates vs. Ninja Ball" (a decision we did not take lightly) & instituted LoungeCON!  The goal?  To make a sort of study hall for hackers...but with video games, hacky things, lock picking, movies, video games...hopefully you get the idea!  It was such an unexpected success, we're doing it again in 2017!


This is NOT another stuffy security conference! Sit back, relax, have a conversation with the presenters, staff, and attendees.  The couch is there for speakers, staff, and experts to interact during presentations (and sometimes provide comedic relief).


New this year, the first ever SkyDogCon Hacker Poker Run.  Signups will be posted in early October. Come on out for this first time ever event.


If you've ever been to DEFCON you'll likely know what this is about...that said this is an "ADULTS ONLY" event that never fails to entertain! So come prepared - refresh your memory on EBCDIC tables and hacker movie trivia! Register your team today! Don't have a team? No problem, you can still play! Register as an individual and we will randomly place you on a team.


Got some friends you haven't seen since the last CON? Got some project you want to work on and need some help? This is a great place for, connect, and hack all-the-things!


On Sunday, we meet for breakfast and have closing ceremonies, awards, recognition, and say farewell to friends old and new.  Skydog usually cries...but we have those little mini-sausage thingies that taste so good...especially after late evening "activities"!